
Buy Crypto Domains: Next Blockchain Opportunity

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In the evolving decentralized world, blockchain domains are an exciting development. These domains have the power to change the way most of us think about domains and online real estate, and they add a new layer of transparency, functionality, and security. This is leading to the hyper interest in how to buy crypto domains?

In this blog post, we will take a dive into crypto domain sales, how they work and how ordinary users can start accessing the benefits even before the decentralized web hits the mainstream. Blochchain domains offer a great untapped value.

What Are Blockchain Domains?

Simply put, send and receive crypto using human-readable domain names. If you are into crypto you understand the nuances of transactions and alphanumeric wallet addresses and provate keys involved in moving crypto assets from one address to other. Usage complexity is bundled in the great value the blockchain offers.

Blockchain domains address this problem as these are essentially suites of smart contracts – software written on a public blockchain. This gives them a number of unique features and advantages over traditional domains. The following table provides the comparison of crypto vs traditional domains.

The history of blockchain domains goes back to the early days of cryptocurrency. One of the first crypto platforms was called Namecoin, and it was built so users could register their own domain names on Bitcoin. However, in the pre-smart contract world, the functionality of this platform was limited.

In today’s world, with smart contracts and the ability to express complex relationships, the potential for blockchain domains is much more exciting. This led to proliferation of offers such as – blockchain domains for sale.

How Cryptocurrency Domains Work?

Crypto domains aren’t stored on a server. For example, Brave browser Integrates best crypto domains expanding Access to Web 3.0. Brave users can access 30,000 decentralized sites and 700,000 blockchain domain names.

These blockchain domains are held in the public registry, on publicly accessible blockchains. This means anyone can look at the records, providing an impressive level of openness and transparency. On top of that, users can benefit from enhanced security – each user holds the permissions to make updates to their domain name, which minimizes worries about servers getting hacked or domain names getting stolen. Crypto mining domains is another area of interest.

Usage and Benefits of Blockchain Domains

The first key purpose of crypto domain is the ability to send cryptocurrency more easily. Blockchain domains can work as a naming registry for crypto addresses, which makes the process of sending and receiving crypto much more user-friendly than it was without blockchain domain names. You can simplify DeFi with blockchain domain names.

Blockchain domain name provider Unstoppable Domains is integrating with privacy-oriented web browser Brave to provide native browser support for “.crypto” domains. Listen to the following podcast to learn more about Unstoppable Domains.

Unstoppable Domains builds domain names on blockchains, meaning that each domain name is a non-fungible token (NFT) stored inside the user’s cryptocurrency wallet instead of within a traditional, centralized registrar like GoDaddy. 

Practically, this means Brave users will be able to navigate to 30,000 decentralized websites and 700,000 blockchain domain names registered with Unstoppable Domains, drastically expanding access to Web 3.0.

“The entire domain name system is a suite of smart contracts living on the blockchain, which means that when a browser like Brave wants to go and resolve a website, instead of going and pinging the DNS servers, they go and read the blockchain directly,” said Unstoppable Domain co-founder Brad Kam. “That’s how they find the record. And so what is unique and different here is really around custody and ownership.”

More commonly, blockchain domain addresses are used for payments. These .crypto domains work inside of 50 different crypto wallets and exchanges. According to Kam, you can just send money to Brad.crypto, for example, because that’s essentially his username for the crypto web.

At its core, the idea is that this makes decentralized tech easier to use.

Unstoppable domians is offering 8 NEW blockchain domain registries which will be made available for pre-sale starting this Thursday, June 17th, 2021. The new domain extensions include.

  • .blockchain for blockchain evangelists. We’re proud to be working with Blockchain.com to bring .blockchain to the world. This extensions will be available in approximately 3 weeks
  • .bitcoin for bitcoin users everywhere. We’re proud to work with Gemini, the provider behind our custody service, to bring .bitcoin to the world
  • .coin – easy to remember blockchain domains combined with USDC are the future of p2p payments. We’re proud to be working with Circle to bring this to the world
  • .nft for artists, collectors and fans. We’re proud to be working with Opera Browser to bring .nft to the world
  • .wallet for the payment pioneers
  • .x the ultimate domain ending and username. Short. Premium. Exclusive. 
  • .888 for those wishing themselves and others good fortune
  • .dao for those who believe in open governance & community

If you want to get your own crypto domain, take a look at the following offer. Unstoppable domains are natively supported by Brave and Opera. Support for Chrome, Firefox and Edge is enabled by extensions. The new premium domains offer is a mixed theme ranging from animals, finance, business, first names, travel, and planets. Yoga.crypto, cat.crypto, and saturn.crypto are just a few of the premium domain NFTs that will be available. Please note that these premium domains will be offered across 9 of domain extensions: .crypto, .zil, .x, .wallet, .nft, .coin, .bitcoin, .888, and .dao!

In Summary

Blockchain domains replace cryptocurrency addresses with a human readable name. To send cryptocurrency, all you need to know is the recipient’s blockchain domain Send bitcoin, ethereum, and any other cryptocurrency with just one domain No more worrying about sending to the wrong address.

Blockchain domains are owned not rented. Buy the domain with a one time registration fee and never worry about renewals again. The domain is stored in your wallet, just like a cryptocurrency. No one can move it around other than you. Point your domain to content on a decentralized storage network. Get your Crypto Domain now!

Related article: Make Money With Cryptocurrency

Crypto Exponentials

What started out as a curiosity to learn about Bitcoin during the year 2016 has turned into a mission to share my research with as many people as possible. With ever-increasing value combined with speculation, there are many ways we can win together in Crypto and DeFi. Knowledge is power!

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