Future of Financial Services Workforce
FinTech disruptors have been finding a way in by focusing on a particular innovative technology or process in everything from mobile payments to insurance. A forte of technologies ...
FinTech disruptors have been finding a way in by focusing on a particular innovative technology or process in everything from mobile payments to insurance. A forte of technologies ...
Healthcare fueled by AI/ML/DL: AI in healthcare: Intelligent and analytical technologies have the potential to rebuild many areas of care provision with computing and empathy. The rate of ...
I was visiting Lush – a fresh handmade cosmetics store along with my daughter and felt that the shopping experience compared with the past is changing in a ...
Recently I was searching for verbatim “AIOps” on Google and got 624K results. Without many surprises noticed that there have been over 100 times rise in search trends ...
I have been contempating on what comes next in 2019? Distributed economies is seemingly possible. Distributed economies (DE) is currently best described as a vision by which different innovative ...
Last week, I published a blog post titled “Blockchain Boosting Customer Loyalty Programmes”. In continuation of views on Blockchain relevance, in prat II – Blockchain for Gift Cards, ...
I was reading an article on new research led by the University of Adelaide on the subject of an AI’s ability to predict a patient’s lifespan simply by ...
Markets have been constantly evolving from pre-internet era of viscous state through fluid state over last decade with internet democratized access to information, reducing buyer-seller information asymmetry. Digital ...
Healthcare industry is a front runner in creating business value applying AI followed by Automotive and Financial Services industries. In simple and direct interpretation, Artificial Intelligence fundamentally helps ...
In gig-economy there is a tremendous opportunity to leverage the full potential of digital disruption including AI, Gamification, and Automation paving path to next-gen educational methods and job ...